List Categories and Listings by W

JS :

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(586 visits) 

RS :

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(766 visits) 

The Web Standards Project is a coalition fighting for standards that ensure simple, affordable access to web technologies for all.

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(653 visits) 

Software tools and techniques for global software development. Dr. Dobb's features articles, source code, blogs,forums,video tutorials, and audio podcasts, as well as articles from Dr. Dobb's Journal,, C/C++ Users Journal, and Software Developmen ...

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(684 visits) 

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(607 visits) 

Webdesign Awards: Beautiful web sites selection. Webdesign Links | Sélection des plus beaux sites Internet. Liens Webdesign

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(643 visits) 

Webdesign Awards: Beautiful web sites selection. Webdesign Links | Sélection des plus beaux sites Internet. Liens Webdesign

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(608 visits) 

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(903 visits) 

Agence web, création de site web, creation site internet

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(584 visits) 

Agence web, création de site web, creation site internet

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(566 visits) 

Web ripper (spider) to download a whole site for local browsing.

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(591 visits) 

RS :

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(696 visits) 


Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(651 visits) 

Hier findet ihr diverse Links, Fotos, einen Virenticker, Wetterprognosen,SBB-Fahrplan,News, Fun Downloads (Schnappi), Infos über meine Hobbies usw.mambo, werner duss, duss werner,links, template chooser, vireninfo, sophos, virenticker,pics, fotos, fotogal ...

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(610 visits) 

Web standards resources - tutorials, software and courses for CSS, HTML/XHTML and accessibility. Westciv develops the world class CSS editor Style Master, available for both Windows and OS X. Style Master is the leading cross platform Cascading Style Shee ...

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(675 visits) 

Peripheriques de stockage

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(623 visits) 

It's become very popular lately, even though it's not exactly new. It's been possible to use the concept behind AJAX since browsers introduced the XMLHttpRequest function in 1999. Enjoy Rob Gonda's highly popular ColdFusion Developer's Journal article on ...

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(596 visits) 

What is computer memory? An easy to understand explanation.

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(844 visits) 

What CPU do you have ? Gene6 is a software company developing Gene6 FTP Server

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(673 visits) 

Learn the history of daylight saving, from Benjamin Franklin to the present...We've learned to save energy and enjoy sunny summer evenings by switching our clocks an hour forward in the summer.

Category Administration
WeblinkWebLink(651 visits) 

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