Tags: MySQL

AppGini is a PHP scripts generation tool for MySQL databases. It works under Windows 9x. AppGini generates PHP scripts to create the database and its tables. In addition, PHP scripts and HTML forms needed for data entry, navigation, editing and deletion a ...

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(837 visits) 

A lots of usefull tips & tricks (Windows, Oracle, SQL, Delphi, PHP, javascript, and more)

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(609 visits) 

Easily Manage MySQL Bases (*****)

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(665 visits) 

Well organized easy to understand SQL tutorial with lots of examples. Including PHP, ASP, ADO, Oracle, Access, SQL Server. Related: HTML, JavaScript, XML, XQuery

Category WebLinks
WeblinkWebLink(654 visits)